Scripted Urbanism Workshop

Input Drawing by Shane Jezowski

Final Drawing by Shane Jezowski

“On September 29 and 30 (2019), Adam Marcus and Andrew Kudless (co-curators of the the exhibition "Drawing Codes: Experimental Protocols of Architectural Representation, Volume II," led a “Scripted Urbanism” workshop with students at the University of Miami School of Architecture. The workshop investigated procedural logics of computational drawing. Building upon the themes of the exhibition, the workshop explored parametric and algorithmic approaches to constructing two-dimensional urban plans. Each workshop attendee explored a set of rules that parametrically produced urban plans. At the end of the workshop these plans were tiled together to produce a larger city plan composed of the diverse rule sets of the attendees.” (Adam Marcus Leads "Scripted Urbanism" Workshop at University of Miami)

Workshop participants: Sofia Contreras Ojeda, Maxwell Jarosz, Shane Jezowski, Michael Kundin, Johnny Laderer, Jennifer Lamy, Teagan Polizzi, Alexandra Remos, Madison Seip, Gabriel Soomar, Reid Yenor

- Adam Marcus RA, LEED AP


Casa Klumb